Home Dine, Develop & Dream

Dine, Develop & Dream

Book An Elegant Personal Development Experience

Fostering Introspection, Transformation, and Connections. 

Picture a Mid-week Lunch-n-Learn or Sunday brunch that’s not just about food and mimosas but also about feeding your soul. Dine, Develop & Dream, lovingly curated by me, Chloé Taylor Brown, is that rare gathering where luxury and personal growth align and dance together. It’s like sipping on champagne while discovering the secrets of your heart.

In an intimate setting, where sisterhood and support reign supreme, we come together to explore our dreams and empower one another. It’s more than brunch; it’s a sacred space where the pages of Flourish Digital Magazine meet the wisdom of my PEP coaching initiatives.

As you savor the flavors and indulge in conversations with kindred spirits, you’ll feel the magic of sisterhood, a genuine connection that nurtures your soul. This is a place where women of grace and style intertwine their dreams and aspirations.

Let me know if you would like the join us at the next Dine, Develop & Dream for a slice of luxury and a whole lot of soulful growth. Let’s brunch, bond, and nurture our dreams together.

Images from a Dine, Develop & Dream Brunch

Partner with us and let's flourish together!

As we continue to curate this unique experience, we invite you to become more than a sponsor—to become a partner in transformation. This is an exclusive invitation to align your brand with an initiative that resonates with excellence, empowerment, and elegance. Your sponsorship will not only elevate your brand but also contribute to a ripple effect of positive change, enriching lives and inspiring action.

Why Attend


This isn’t just an event; it’s a transformative journey to Flourish. An intimate gathering designed to spark meaningful conversations and connections, and to bring the pages and words of our lifestyle publication into tangible life experiences.

  • The Experience: Dine with sophistication, develop with intention, and dream without boundaries.

  • The Takeaway: Leave refreshed, equipped with actionable insights, and fortified by meaningful connections.

  • Use Value: This experience serves as a catalyst in your ongoing journey toward personal and professional brilliance.

  • Exclusive Feature Opportunity: As a special highlight, attendees have the chance to be featured in a two-page spread in the Winter 2024 issue of Flourish Digital Magazine.

  • Why It Matters: This feature is more than just visibility; it’s a platform to share your story, your brand, and your vision with a wider audience of like-minded individuals.

  • Additional Gifts: Beyond the feature, attendees will receive curated gifts that align with the ethos of personal and professional growth, adding another layer of value to this transformative experience.

Discover the Resonance of a Flourish Digital Magazine Experience

Envision an exclusive gathering, set against the backdrop of luxury and elegance, where like-minded women embark on a transformative journey. Over 3 curated hours, delight in gourmet cuisine while immersing yourself in an experience designed to elevate personal excellence, connection, style, and feminine leadership.

From the Publisher

Hello there!

As the publisher of Flourish Digital Magazine, it was my delight to unveil Dine, Develop, & Dream on October 22, 2023. This curated experience transcended a mere luxurious afternoon; it was and will continue to be a transformative journey meticulously designed for women of influence and inspiration—women like you. This intimate gathering is a sanctuary where women can dine with sophistication, develop with intention, and dream without boundaries. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect and build authentic rapport with other like-spirited, influential women, leaving you refreshed and poised to flourish in every facet of your life. This transformative afternoon was not just filled with meaningful interactions but impactful moments to level up in our personal and professional excellence. 

Meet flourish Digital Magazine's editor-in-chief

Maleeka Hollaway

Meet Maleeka Hollaway

Flourish Digital Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Keynote Speaker, Professor of Business, and Serial Entrepreneur.

Maleeka, an award-winning publicist, published writer, author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur, has worked with and trained over 5,000 leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners in company and personal branding, public relations, and marketing & sales communications. Her impact as a thought leader is visible on over 90 notable media platforms, including Essence, Forbes, Business Insider, and Entrepreneur. Maleeka’s mission is to empower and equip purpose-driven professionals to build a lifestyle they love and appreciate. Connect with Maleeka on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @maleekahollaway.

We have no limites

In the pursuit of excellence and feminine leadership, understanding oneself is the cornerstone of true growth.  The ‘Dine, Develop, and Dream Experience’ invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Here, in a space of grace, sophistication, and supportive sisterhood, you’ll explore your deepest desires, strengths, and potential. Engage in reflective conversations, share your dreams, and allow the wisdom of influential women to guide you toward your authentic self. This is more than an event; it’s an opportunity to connect with the essence of who you are and who you aspire to be. Embrace the experience, and let the transformative power of self-awareness elevate you to new realms of success and fulfillment.

Chloé Taylor Brown
Facilitating transformational lifestyle workshops for corporations and organizations, executive coaching, and one-on-one lifestyle strategies and coaching services for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals.