Home My Identity Shifts

My Identity Shifts

The iDentity Shift Playbook!

Curated Exclusivity For
iDentity Shifting Clients!

iDentity shifting is a powerful way to level up, expand your views, and even change your entire life. We all do it—mostly unknowingly. Many identities are projected upon us, and now, with my proprietary coaching and training strategies, proven processes, many years of experience and sagacity, I am able to help you shift in a fun, authentic way. iDentity shifting is an important fundamental element in moving through different stages and phases of life. No one stays the same. Be intentional about your shift. Start today!

Your iDentity is your concept of yourself.

... it's the way you view and validate yourself. It’s how you think, and it’s how you feel about what you think. It’s how you see yourself in relation to other people and the world around you. Your identity is shaped by the roles you play in life, such as daughter, mother, student, teacher, coach, engineer, actor, doctor, attorney, model, prime minister, president, nun, artist, manager, community leader, executive leader and so forth.

Charmaine Stepping Into Being

Transforming your iDentity or creating a new iDentity to align with the "role" you want to play and the life you want to live is possible. It’s not about the strain, the struggle, the uncertainty, or the long hours to achieve your goals—it starts with shifting your views of yourSELF, and shifting your iDentity from what was to what is desired and wanted now. It’s your value of yourSELF—what you believe about yourself, the words you use to define and describe yourself, and having a clear vision of what you're working toward now. It's about your individuality and your current concept of yourSELF. Are you ready to shift and level up?

It's The Feeling, Darling

iDentity Shifting Chloé-Style

Playing My Fun "Image, Fashion, Style" iDentity with a Professional Presence Client.

Who Can Benefit From iDentity Shifting

Anyone and everyone could greatly benefit from being proactive in accessing where they are now and asking themselves a few important questions. The need to shift, transition or change favors no particular gender, age, person, group or location.

The First Time
I Shifted My iDentity...

I was sixteen. I wasn’t intentional about it because I didn’t know it was a thing. An opportunity for me to shift and become who I wanted to be was presented after I was rescued one fateful Friday from a terrible situation and invited to live with an aunt and uncle and their two children halfway through my junior year of high school when my mother died. 

That Friday afternoon my fragile paradigm completely crashed. I was lucky Aunt Anita cared, and she saved my very existence that evening. On Saturday, she took me shopping to purchase the beginning pieces of a new wardrobe.

On Monday, my aunt and uncle enrolled me into the same high school as their two children. I sensed an overwhelming acceptance from those I encountered—the teachers, and especially all the new, cool, super-smart students—the girls and the guys were friendly toward me, and I felt included.
After only a couple months at my new school, one day in study hall, a free period where we all got to interact with each other in open discussions—I observed how free I was feeling. I saw how my communication had gone from passive to confident and engaging in such a short time. And I could see how the other kids respected and valued me and what I had to contribute.

“Wow,” I thought. “I can be who I want to be here.”

the girl-swag project

Playing My
Girl-Swag Identity

Girl-Swag is a global girl's curriculum for personal development and lifestyle enhancement for young women and girls.
When we save a girl we save generations, even nations.

Chloé Taylor Brown
Facilitating transformational lifestyle workshops for corporations and organizations, executive coaching, and one-on-one lifestyle strategies and coaching services for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals.