Home The Glow Up Life Enrichment Experience

The Glow Up Life Enrichment Experience

by CEO

Let's Glow Up Together

I See You, and I’m Here for You.

Glow Up Your Life
With The Ultimate Women's Wellness,
Enrichment, and Success Assessment. It's FREE!

Elevate Every Aspect Of Your life With the glow up life enrichment experience

Feminine Leadership and Real Life Power Moves

Over the course of three months, we’ll engage in weekly 90-minute sessions centered around the workbook, The Glow Up: Enriching Your Inner Essence, Self-Value & Well-Being. Together, we will explore perfecting your authentic image and draw from both historical and current examples of feminine power and leadership. This transformative experience will empower you to step confidently into your leadership role, equipped with real-life strategies and insights that align with your unique strengths as a woman.

Discover where you truly shine—and where you can rise even higher. Start your Glow Up today and take the assessment to begin transforming every aspect of your life.

A Comprehensive Coaching Program for Women Ready to Embrace Authentic Excellence Without the Premium Price Tag.

Are you feeling stuck despite your hard work and talents? Do self-doubt and uncertainty hold you back from embracing your authentic power and leading with confidence in your personal and professional life?

You're not alone, and that's exactly why I'm thrilled to invite you to join The Glow Up Life Enrichment Experience. This transformative 12-week group coaching program is meticulously designed to cultivate wisdom, feminine leadership, personal growth, and professional presence.

Imagine stepping confidently into every room, knowing your worth, and radiating authenticity in all that you do. The Glow Up Life Enrichment Experience is crafted for women like you—creatives, professionals, and corporate leaders—who are ready to elevate their lives through wisdom, grace, authentic excellence, and empowered feminine leadership.

Each session delves deep into key concepts and practical applications that foster personal and professional growth. You'll benefit from:

Deep Dives into Core Topics

Uncover your inner glow, embrace your authentic self, build unwavering confidence, and enhance your professional presence.

Interactive Exercises and Discussions

Participate in thought-provoking activities that encourage introspection and actionable growth, enriched with inspiring examples of feminine leadership aligned with wisdom.

A Supportive Community

Connect with like-minded women on the same journey toward authentic excellence, sharing experiences and insights in a nurturing environment.

Here’s What You Will Get

The Glow Up Assessment

Begin your transformative journey with our comprehensive assessment, designed to tailor the experience to your unique needs.

The Glow Up Workbook

A comprehensive guide filled with exercises, reflections, and actionable steps to enrich your inner essence, self-value, and well-being.

7 MP3 Audios

Curated audio content that complements the workbook topics, providing deeper insights and practical advice for personal growth.

Live Q&A

Participate in live sessions where you can ask questions directly, receive personalized advice, and delve deeper into key topics.


Join an exclusive community of like-minded individuals who are also on the journey to self-improvement. Share experiences, gain support, and grow together.

Additional Resources

Gain access to extra materials that provide further enrichment, including bonus videos, additional worksheets, and exclusive articles..

Problems I Help Women Solve

Identity-Purpose Misalignment

Many women struggle with feeling disconnected from who they truly are. They feel pressure to conform to societal or corporate expectations, leaving them unsure of their purpose and how to express their authentic selves. I help women identify their true identity and align it with their deeper purpose, creating a strong foundation for personal and professional fulfillment.

Lack of Confidence and Self-Worth

Women often experience self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or a sense of inadequacy in high-pressure environments. I help women rebuild their confidence by guiding them to understand and appreciate their own value, strengths, and abilities.

Unclear Personal Brand and Presence

In competitive environments, many women struggle to develop a personal and professional image that authentically reflects who they are. I help women craft an outer-visual brand that matches their inner identity, enabling them to express themselves confidently and with purpose in any room they walk into.

Unfulfilling Success

Some women may achieve external success but feel empty or disconnected from their inner purpose. I help them reconnect with themselves and create a life that’s not only successful but deeply fulfilling on a personal, spiritual, and professional level.

Fear of Taking Up Space

Women often hesitate to take up space and make their voices heard, especially in leadership or creative roles. I empower women to embrace their worth and take their rightful place in professional, corporate, or creative arenas with confidence.

Disconnected From Your Purpose

Some women may achieve external success but feel empty or disconnected from their inner purpose. I help them reconnect with themselves and create a life that’s not only successful but deeply fulfilling on a personal, spiritual, and professional level.

For $597, you’ll gain
exclusive access to:

90-Minute Sessions

Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:30 PM EST, starting October 1st, 2024,

Guided Reflections

Curated materials to help you stay focused, aligned, and ready to take action each week,


Each session will be recorded so you can revisit or catch up if you miss any live events.

The Glow Up Bundle

The Glow Up Workbook and Perfecting Your Authentic Image MP3’s have been designed to help you elevate your value of self, and create meaningful, lasting personal transformation.


Take the Personal Excellence Profile (PEP) assessment at the start and finish of the experience (if you are interested) to measure your growth and glow-up.

Create, Connect & Contribute

An invitation to connect and build high-level relationships with other professional women who are ready to glow up together and offer value to your growth and purpose, creating a valuable community of support and empowerment—Priceless.


Clarity of Purpose

Women gain a crystal-clear understanding of who they are and what they’re meant to achieve, enabling them to make confident decisions in their personal and professional lives.

Increased Confidence and Self-Worth

Through my coaching, women develop a deeper sense of self-worth, shedding self-doubt and stepping into their power. They carry themselves with assurance and resilience.

Authentic Personal Brand

Women leave with an authentic personal and professional brand that reflects their true identity. They learn to present themselves confidently, whether they’re in a boardroom, on stage, or in creative spaces.

Alignment and Fulfillment:

Women achieve greater alignment between their inner identity and outer success, leading to deeper fulfillment in their careers and personal lives. They feel balanced and purposeful in their work and relationships.

Empowered Leadership

Women step into leadership roles in their businesses, industries, and communities with confidence. They lead with authenticity, compassion, and strength, inspiring others with their presence.

Illuminating the Path to Success

My presence illuminates the path from confusion or misalignment to purpose-driven, authentic success. I represent the answers they need to move forward with confidence, grace, and a deeper connection to who they are. 

Hello there!

I’m Chloé Taylor Brown, and I'm thrilled to guide you through an inspiring journey called "The Glow Up Life Enrichment Experience." This program is meticulously designed to provide you with tools and insights that support your growth in every area of life. Whether you are a professional climbing the corporate ladder, a creative exploring new territories, an entrepreneur, or someone passionate about making impactful changes, The Glow Up Life Enrichment is tailored for you.

For an additional fee, opt for a personalized coaching session to tailor your growth journey to your specific needs and goals.

High Level Experiences

Elevate your next event with Chloé Taylor Brown, a former international model, acclaimed author, lifestyle strategist, and professional presence expert. Known for inspiring women and girls to embrace and activate their inner essence, Chloé combines her expertise in body image, self-value, well-being, and fashion with a unique approach to feminine leadership. Her literary works, including "Getting Ready Chloé-Style: Perfecting Your Authentic Image," offer profound insights into enhancing self-image, confidence, and personal growth. Book Chloé for your next panel, keynote, or corporate retreat, and let her inspire your audience to discover and celebrate their authentic selves with elegance and poise.

Embrace Your Glow Up!

As you sit and review a page from the Glow Up workbook, envision the transformative journey ahead. The Glow Up workbook, paired with the complete audio series, "7 Steps to Perfecting Your Authentic Image," offers a comprehensive guide to embracing your true self. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your self-image, confidence, and personal growth. Purchase the Glow Up workbook and audio series today, and take the first step towards perfecting your authentic image and leading with feminine power and grace.

Transform Your Life with Our Three-Month Group Coaching Program—Achieve Premium Results at a Fraction of the Cost!

For those ready to take this journey to the next level, I invite you to reach out to me. I look forward to connecting with women who are committed and passionate about their growth and transformation.

With love, encouragement, and empowerment,

Chloé Taylor Brown

Chloé Taylor Brown
Facilitating transformational lifestyle workshops for corporations and organizations, executive coaching, and one-on-one lifestyle strategies and coaching services for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals.