Home Life Coaching Believe What You Wanna Believe

Believe What You Wanna Believe

by Chloé Taylor Brown

One of our

...greatest abilities and gifts is the ability to believe what we choose to believe. Believe means to trust, consider, think, suppose, deem, judge, imagine, credit. I want us to believe with all of our heart that we will be and do what we were made to be, do and become.

What I’ve learned over the last twenty years of studying, practicing and coaching and working with thousands of individuals and teams is that when they have spent just several hours with me using universal strategies that help them to use and control their mind by forming the habit of thinking highly of themselves, determining their “ideal” and envisioning what they want and desire as they hold happy, prosperous images and pictures in their mind and feel wonderful, then we will be able to experience what we have believed mentally, spiritually and physically, in our everyday life. This is a mindset.

In order to genuinely strive with the energy and insight needed we must determine our ideal and know what to believe in. It doesn’t matter how unlikely or how far away our ideal (what we want, our heart’s desire, our purpose) may seem, or how challenging it may be, if we visualize our ideal as best we can, as vividly as possible, hold tenaciously to it, enthusiastically believe as we work our strategies we will meet and rendezvous with our ideal – our vision, and our determined ideal will gradually become actualized, realized in life.

Know this, especially at this time with our uncertain global economy; we must do all we can to hold on to our heart’s desires and our determined ideal. Let’s continually believe, strive, show up, and ready to play and contribute so that our true heart’s desires and purpose will actualize and not vanish before realization.

Let’s practice thinking and speaking only those things that we want to be and those thing we want to become true. The goal is to believe in our SELF and to have faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the framework, contour or silhouette of our determined ideal, the image itself; the real substance, not merely a mental image. What I have learned for sure is what we believe (not what we say) is coming to us is a tremendous creative motive. Your whole thought current must be set in the direction of your life purpose.

Whatever comes to us in life, we create first in our mentality.

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Chloé Taylor Brown
Facilitating transformational lifestyle workshops for corporations and organizations, executive coaching, and one-on-one lifestyle strategies and coaching services for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals.